Saturday, April 5, 2008
-WATCO the violence in the media on how it affects children’s behavior
-The violence that children see in the media causes violent and anti-social behavior
-Because children learn by example. If Children see violence on television they will want to copy those actions and will socially deviant.
-Whatever children see and learn on television affects their behavior
Audience: Parents of young children who have televisions.
About the audience:
Most families have many TV's in the home and children may be having a lot of contact with the television. Parents do not want their children to exhibit anti-social behavior. Parents may not know the effects that television has on their children. Effects of the media on children may be long term.
Argument against me:
A lot of people probably do not know or may not believe that the violence that is seen on television is affecting their children. It can be pretty difficult to prove. There have been several studies done but most of them have been performed in a lab, not a real life situation. All of the studies that have been done though have shown that violence that is seen on television affects children and even adults. Children express more violent behavior after watching a violent program than children who do not watch a violent program. (BOBO Doll experiment)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
-WATCO drinking Diet Pepsi Max on your day
-Drinking Diet Pepsi Max will help you to wake up and not get tired during your day
-Because the new Pepsi drink has more Caffeine and ginseng in it to help you get through your day
-Whatever a lot of Caffeine and ginseng in it will help you wake up and not get tired
Audience: This particular commercial seems to focus on those who have busy life styles and maybe get tired during the day.
Ethos: Does not really use ethos in this commercial.
Pathos: This commercial uses humor as an emotion to try and relate to people who find themselves in similar situations while they are at work or at a movie and seem to be falling asleep quite a bit.
Logos: It is logical that caffeine and ginseng will boost your energy levels and help to wake you up a little bit more.
The commercial fulfills star criteria. The subject is relevant to a wide audience and can relate to most people who find themselves falling asleep during the day. The information is accurate in that caffeine and ginseng will help wake you up.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Ulysses S. Grant who was a President of the United States caused many problems for the Mormons. He was anti Mormon and was a big cause of the many false things people say about us. There were actually three Presidents of the United States whom we did not do temple work for right away when they died, and President Grant was one of them. Even with all of his misconceptions about Mormons he decided to come out to Utah for a visit. This would be the first President to ever visit Utah. The saints did not know how they were going to receive him, because it was an honor to have a President of the United States to come out, but as a person he was not well liked. The saints decide to throw him a big welcome anyways even after all that he had done. When President Grant got off the train and onto a carriage he was riding with governor Emory of Utah. As they were riding into town the Mormon families sent their children out to line the streets and sing hymns to welcome him. Emory reported to the saints the Presidents impressions. The president was so impressed by these children he asked who were they and when he said they were Mormon kids President grant looked shocked and mumbled under his breath that he had been deceived about the Mormons. He had a change of heart. But although he had a change of heart he could not undo what he had already started.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
WATCO drinking Gatorade on becoming a hero
Drinking Gatorade will help you rise to the top to become a hero
Because those who drink Gatorade have the will power and energy to conquer all others and become a hero
Whatever causes others to have will power and energy to defeat their contenders becomes a hero.
Audience: Specifically made for people who have active life styles and enjoy playing sports.
Ethos: This commercial seems to give Gatorade good credibility because it has Dwayne Wade and Derek Jeeter in it who are great athletes that drink Gatorade.
Pathos: This commercial uses a lot of emotion with the music that is playing. You feel inspired and energized to go out and do the same things as
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Brigham Young at this time sees the rail road as both a threat and a benefit, but he knows that the benefits far outweigh the problems. Because of the rail road the missionaries can get places faster. The immigrants do not need hand carts any more to cross the dangerous plains. It makes it easier to build the temple. We could also export raw and finished material and import raw material. What Brigham did not want was the importation of finished products. Brigham did not like merchants who would sell their material for high prices. Brigham wanted saints to be self-sufficient. The tickets to ride the train were also very expensive and the Mormons did not have the cash for it. The rail road would bring in the "gentiles" and their standards, like their fashions. The fashions would be bad for the women. The Mormons also get the rail road workers coming into Utah territory. We had the Chinese coming out from California and the Irish were coming from the east. The Irish were Catholic and were known to be drunk and violent. No one liked the Irish and no one understood the Chinese. These workers coming in would cause a lowering of morals among the saints. Brigham combated these threats in different ways. To combat the fashions he re created the Relief Society for the women. To combat all the new merchants coming in he boycotted the non-LDS merchants and told the saints they were not allowed to buy any coffee, tea, or tobacco from them. Brigham says lets start to live the word of wisdom. The boycott lasted a year until Brigham created ZCMI as a retail store to help the saints become self-sufficient. Many other Mormons start new businesses as well.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Audience: Mormons
WATCO having Christ as the central focus of our worship.
By having Christ as the central focus of our worship we know that he is the Son of God, Redeemer of the World, the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort and we know that he is the anchor of our immortal lives.
Because if the focus of our faith is on Christ we can be confident of who he is and that he is the son of the Almighty and he was a perfect man who walked the earth and he performed miracles and suffered death for us and conquered it for us as well.
Elder Jeffery R. Holland’s conference talk in September 2007
Audience: Mormons and those who do not believe that we are Christians
WATCO believing that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate persons, three divine beings.
Believing that the Godhead consists of three separate beings causes others to believe that Mormons are not Christians.
Because Mormons do not hold a fourth century view of the Godhead, of them being one not three separate beings we are thought of as not being Christian.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Funding public schools with property taxes creates inequality in the school system.
Because rich neighborhoods create rich schools through their property taxes and parents also can put more money into the school as well. Poor neighborhoods have poor schools and not enough funding to create a good school for the students.
Whatever causes reduced funding for some schools and increased funding for others creates inequality in the school system.
Audience: Parents who live in rich neighborhoods and have children who go to rich schools.
Argument against me: These parents would most likely say, why should they pay for another school that their children do not go to? They will also say that it is not the money that will help the school it other factors such as the quality of the teachers and the students. The students will perform poorly no matter where they go.
My argument: Money does help poor schools. Most of these types of schools do not have the funds to pay for high quality teachers. The good teachers all go to the nice schools because they pay more. The poor schools also do not have enough funds to support more teachers. Because of the lack of teachers they have there is overcrowding and many of the students drop out because of this. Studies have shown that if funds are distributed equally among all of the schools it does not cause the kids in the rich nice schools to do worse, they do the same. And the kids in the poor schools do better. Vermont does it this way, it gathers all of the money from the state and disperses it to all of the schools in a fair way.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The united order was done to help the saints pool their money by investing it. It was a co-operative order, everyone worked together. The saints would put their money in something like a sugar mill for example and then go to work on it. The other work that they were doing before for a living like farming was done by someone else. The labor that was done was decided by the priesthood leadership. They would assign someone to go work on your farm while you go work on your investment. This would help the saints become more self-sufficient which is what Brigham wanted. Instead of buying all of their goods from merchants Brigham wanted them to make their own lumber, wool, iron, led, and many other things. Brigham left it up to the communities to work on this. Orderville Utah was an example of the extreme end of this. Families were assigned to barracks, the whole community gathered together each morning and prayed and ate breakfast together. They did everything together; they were like a big family. Although this seemed pretty strange it was effective, Orderville lasted the longest. Most of the orders die after Brigham dies but Orderville lasted.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Students in the public school system are constantly tested and evaluated by their test scores. In a classroom setting, tests are important and can provide essential information on a student’s progress. However, there has been a recent push from the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) to use the scores obtained from a standardized test, as the single measure of a student’s performance. This has become the central purpose of NCLB; it requires students to take a test to determine whether they should go on to the next grade level, or whether a student qualifies for graduation. This is why the state of Arizona gives the Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards test (AIMS). There are several parents who probably do not have a problem with this program because their children have several chances to take the AIMS test and do not have any problems passing it. The majority of the students in Arizona pass the AIMS test (Arizona Department of Education, personal communication (ADE), February 21, 2008). Many parents have the assumption that this program is just a way to help failing schools and improve teacher quality. What you do not know is that your children may be affected by this program in ways that you have not seen.
New Paragraph revised
Students in the public school system are constantly tested and evaluated by their test scores. In a classroom setting, tests are important and can provide essential information on a student’s progress when used properly. Policy makers enjoy these tests because they can assess and compare students’ results on a national standard (The American Psychological Association, March 17, 2008). This is the reasoning behind why the State of Arizona under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) gives a test called the Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS). This test determines whether students should go on to the next grade level, or whether a student qualifies for graduation and the majority of the students in Arizona pass it. (Arizona Department of Education, February 21, 2008). Many parents have the understanding that this program has been implemented to help failing schools and improve teacher quality. But what has the AIMS program really accomplished in Arizona and has it had any unforeseen consequences?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
WATCO of affirmative action as it applies to educational structures?
Affirmative action prohibits the amount of sports and scholarships that are given to the men.
Because affirmative action requires schools to have an equal number of male and female sports as well as an equal number of scholarships between males and females and when there are less women sports than men sports many of the men’s programs get dropped.
Whatever causes men sports to be equal to the same amount as women sports causes a reduction in the men’s sports programs
Audience: Men and women who believe in affirmative action.
Issues dealing with audience: They see affirmative action as an effective way to reduce discrimination based on sex, age, and race. They see this is a way to give the historically disadvantaged opportunities.
Argument for me: Affirmative action is not needed any more. Women’s sports are becoming more and more popular and are supported effectively by the school. So why do we need to cut the men’s sports programs just to make them the equal to the women’s programs? There is no reason or need to do that. The men are the ones being discriminated against.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Before the army even comes out no one even comes out to Utah to see if there really are any problems. They do not even give the Mormons a warning that they are sending an army out with a new governor, Alfred Cumming, to replace Brigham young. The only warning they get is from Porter Rockwell who sees the army coming to Utah while he was out on his mission in the east. Brigham says that we will be on the defense; we will fight if we have to. Brigham sends out a message to gather. He calls the missionaries and the saints in the outlying settlements in San Bernardino and Carson Valley to come gather in Utah. He sets up fortifications and calls for the Nauvoo Legion. Brigham also has Lot Smith take a group of his best men to go and try to stop the army, to slow them down without killing anyone. They do this by following the army and stealing their cattle and burning their wagons. Some even join up in the army and burn the wagons after they join. This did slow the army down and they end up in Ft. Bridger in Wyoming. It is winter time and they have no food or supplies, this is probably due to Lot Smith who took and burned 3 months worth of supplies from the army. Ft. Bridger was also all burned to the ground when they got there because the Mormons owned it.
To be continued
Saturday, March 8, 2008
-Violence in the media increases the violence in our society
-Because when children see fighting and killing on television as a way to solve problems, they start to imitate those same actions.
-Whatever causes children to imitate what they see on television increases violence in our society.
Audience: Mormon parents with children
About the Audience:
-Cares about what their children are watching on television and how it may be affecting them
-Have high moral standards
-Understand the importance of doing good to others
Understands that there are negative influences in the world.
Pros of media violence:
The fighting on television does not promote violence in children
The fighting that is shown is a way to show us what the world is really like. For example: War movies and different types of documentaries on the different Holocausts and certain people.
Cons of media violence:
Promotes bad behavior in children.
War movies and documentaries show fighting in a different ways than do shows like the Simpson’s and Family Guy. These types of shows portray violence as the way to solve problems. Violence is shown in a positive manner.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The army coming out to Utah all started with the fighting between the democrats and the Whigs. These two groups were fighting over popular sovereignty, which allows each individual to vote over something they want, instead of allowing the government to decide what the states will do. The north does not like popular sovereignty because it might change their slave laws. The north does not allow slaves. Before popular sovereignty the decision on slaves was decided on where you lived and it didn’t change. This was the Missouri Compromise, it said that all states to the north of the southern border of Missouri are no slave states and those south of it were slave states. This is why the north is getting nervous over popular sovereignty, the people might vote for slavery in the northern states. After Kansas passed the Kansas-Nebraska act, which allowed popular sovereignty, a mini civil war started in Kansas. This causes the Whig party in the south to dissolve because most of the Whigs were in the north. The democrats survive in the south and get the Whig vote. The north then creates a new party replacing the Whig party and calls it the Republican Party. The only thing they stand for is against popular sovereignty. They use the Mormons as a bad example of what popular sovereignty leads too and they say if the democrats believe in popular sovereignty then they must favor the Mormons and polygamy. After the democrats win the vote for president with President Buchanan they feel like they need to prove themselves to show that they do not favor the Mormons. They start an anti-Mormon campaign. They want the people to take their minds off of the slave issue for a little bit and focus on the Mormons instead.
To be continued
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Issues dealing with audience: Divorce may lower income of the family which will cause parents to work more leaving less time to spend with children. A divorce might affect future relationships of the children. Divorce may cause children to start using drugs, and leave home early. These consequences may be long term.
-WATCO divorce on children.
-Divorce increases anti-social behavior in children.
-Because parents who fight all the time during a divorce create stress and loneliness in their children.
-Whatever creates stress and loneliness in children leads to anti-social behavior
Argument against me: Will say that if there is excessive fighting in the home then a divorce will be better for the child. Some also say that following a divorce if parents stay close to their children then there will not be any severe consequences.
Argument for me: Parents can receive counseling to try and make the home a happier place by reducing the excessive fighting. It is also very unlikely for parents to stay close to children following a divorce.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Students in the public school system are constantly tested and evaluated by their test scores. In a classroom setting, tests are important and can provide essential information on a student’s progress. However, there has been a recent push from the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) to use the scores obtained from a standardized test, as the single measure of a student’s performance. This has become the central purpose of NCLB; it requires students to take a test to determine whether they should go on to the next grade level, or whether a student qualifies for graduation. This is why the state of Arizona gives the Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards test (AIMS). There are several parents who probably do not have a problem with this program because their children have several chances to take the AIMS test and do not have any problems passing it. The majority of the students in Arizona pass the AIMS test (Arizona Department of Education, personal communication (ADE), February 21, 2008). Many parents have the assumption that this program is just a way to help failing schools and improve teacher quality. What you do not know is that your children may be affected by this program in ways that you have not seen.
This introduction is the "Some say this some say that intro." I tried to show both sides of the argument.
The tone in this paragraph is somewhat relaxed, I do not try to come on too strong and I try to use terms that the parents will understand. It is not written toward a professional audience so I had to write in a certain way so that they would listen to what I was saying. The tone remains pretty constant throughout this paragraph.
My style in this paragraph and throughout my paper was to be mostly informal. My audience is parents who have children in public schools. I tried to use ethos, pathos and logos to persuade my audience.
My stance in this paragraph is to show both sides of the argument. I didn’t want to be too forward and make people angry. I tried to settle into my argument slowly.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
-WATCO the raising violence in the media on women in modern times
-The consequences of the raising violence of the media increase the crimes being committed against women in modern times
-Because many shows on television now show women being portrayed as either helpless victims of suffering, or as tough and cunning, out to take revenge for their suffering, thereby dehumanizing women.
Audience: Is probably intended to be for women to show them what is happening, or the audience could be those who produce television shows to show them what is happening.
Ethos: I think this author has strong credibility because he is reasonable in his argument, he does not come on too strong. He also quotes from many different studies.
Pathos: He uses emotion by showing real examples of women in different cultures that have been portrayed very badly on television and shows how the crime rate has increased in those areas.
Logos: It is logical to believe in what the author is saying because it makes sense and he also shows the weaknesses of his argument.
Overall I think this is a well written article and the audience that it is intended for will likely read it with interest. It is not attacking any group in any way.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Right before this time Utah was trying to become a state and were denied during this compromise. They were known now as the territory of Utah. It was no longer called the State of Desert anymore. The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to become a state, which the government had to because it was growing so much because of the gold rush. With Utah only as a territory they did not have as much power in congress and were not allowed vote in congress either. They were only allowed to express their opinions if allowed to. President Fillmore fearing the Senate would not approve a all Mormon state he sent in some non Mormons to fill some federally appointed slots. Shortly after the non Mormon "Gentile" officials arrived, conflict began almost immediately. They were mad because Brigham Young started to take matters into his own hands as he was waiting for the officials to come out. It was almost a year before they made their way out to Utah. Brigham was not wrong in his decision to get things running and most people sided with Brigham even the President. After the officials were there for a period of only 3 months they took off. The saints called them the runaway officials. The President then tires to send someone to replace Brigham, but has a hard time finding someone because no one wanted to go out where the "crazy Mormons" were. He finally got a army general to go out, his name was Franklin Pierce. He quietly went out to Utah and spent time listening to the people there about how things were going with Brigham Young. He finds out that the people love him and everything is fine in Utah and he writes a letter back to the President saying that Brigham is doing a great job and I am not going to try and replace him. Brigham is then appointed again to be governor of Utah for another four years. But little did the saints know that it would be another 46 years after the compromise of 1805 before Utah would become a state.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
RA for a song
Audience: Singing to people who just need to keep on believing. It relates to everyone.
-WATCO believing in your dreams
-believing in your dreams will lead you to become what you want to become.
-Because holding on to your dreams will help you to leave your comfort zone in your small town and help you to search for what you desire to be.
Ethos: The music is inspiring and triggers that emotion in humans to keep on believing and move on into the unknown.
The Killers: Mr. Bright Side
Audience: Everyone and maybe those who have had someone cheat on them.
-WATCO of infidelity on the significant other
-Seeing your partner cheating on you may cause jealously but seeing the bright side helps you to forget the wrong that was done to you
-Because having jealously destroys you but seeing the bright side of things helps you to move on.
Ethos: You can feel his emotion and get a vivid picture of what he is seeing and you can feel his anger and jealously, but you can also see how he moves on.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The saints not only had it hard the first winter they were there but it was also hard during there second winter as well. It was hard mainly because of the crickets that came and ate everything. During that winter Heber C. Kimball at a conference promised the saints that in a short period of time they will be able to have everything they had before and they could buy anything that they had before for unbelievable prices. There were many who did not believe this prophecy because it seemed like they was nothing out where they were in SLC. Heber C. Kimball also wondered himself if he might have said too much. The saints soon realized that this promise came true. There were hundreds of people traveling to California for the gold rush and they would stop in SLC on the way. When they would stop they would dump all the stuff they had been carrying because they didn’t want to travel with it across the mountains so they would sell their furniture and other things to the saints for almost nothing. The saints during this time also try to make Utah a state. The government denies them so the saints decide to still run as if they were a state. They called it the State of Deseret. The governor was Brigham Young, Secretary of State was Willard Richards, and the Chief Justice was Heber C. Kimball. They made a militia, counties, and a University which is the University of Utah today. They also made it so the church could own property and have its own legal identity unlike before. This was the very beginings of a church owning property.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
-WATCO strictly focusing on test scores for the students under the NCLB Act
- Focusing strictly on the test scores of the students may cause the school to focus their energy on the students who are on the bubble and also cause the teachers place their focus on passing the test instead of on what they want to teach. And for the students who pass the test may be wasting their time in class.
-Because relying to heavily on standardized tests to show progress places the school under pressure to make their school look good each year and to do this they need to focus their efforts on the test and on the students who are on the bubble of passing.
Benefits of NCLB: Makes sure students are learning the basic skills in school. Makes teachers and schools accountable. May provide better teacher quality.
Negative aspects of NCLB: Teach to the test, narrower curriculum, wasted time, unwanted stress, waste of money, less advanced programs, the focus is on the kids who are on the bubble not the advanced or the disadvantage kids. Advanced kids may not be achieving all that they can.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Establishing Salt Lake Valley
After Brigham and the first group reached the Salt Lake Valley in July 1847 Brigham went back to meet up with the saints that were being led by Parley P. Pratt and John Taylor. Brigham ran into them in Wyoming at Ft. Bridger. He sees that they had brought way too many people with them. They were only supposed to have 100 wagons that consisted of the poor and the Mormon battalion families, instead there were 600 wagons and none of them consisted of the poor and the families of the battalion members. Brigham was furious and chewed out Parley P. Pratt.
There were now 1600 people in Salt Lake Valley because of Pratt. The first winter there was really hard on the saints, they had no food to feed their families. People would go up into the mountains to find dead animals to bring back to cook and eat. They were basically eating road kill. It was amazing that only 12 out of the 1600 people died that winter. If this was their only challenge in establishing the valley they would have moved along just great, but they had several other things to worry about like establishing relations with the Indians that occupied the area.
At the time there were four tribes that occupied Utah: the Gashiute, Paiute, Shoshoni, and the Utes. The Utes gave us the most problems out of the four and its ironic that they still do today. (LOL). The problem was that the Utes were stealing women and children from the other tribes around there and selling them to the Mexicans and also trying to sell them to us when we arrived. Brigham drives out the Mexican slave traders and the Utes get mad at this and say that the saints then need to buy the slaves. Brigham agreed to buy them, he thought it was a better idea to try and be friends with the Indians than try to argue with them. The Utes want to trade slaves with guns and ammo, but Brigham will only trade food and provisions. The Utes get angry over this and start a war, called the Walker War named after chief Wakara of the Utes.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Social Science Research. The effects of affirmative action in higher education. June 2007. Vol. 36, no. 2 Mary J. Fischer and Douglas S. Massey
WATCO affimitative action on students who are placed into competitive schools without the required skills and abilities and also those who have lower academic scores than the average student.
Mary J. Fischer and Douglas S. Massey in their study found that minority students thrive at selective institutions, whatever their background.
The reason for this is because the instruction at elite colleges is usually better, the students are better academic role models, and the learning environment is more positive.
The audience: I believe these authors are speaking against those who believe affirmative is unfair to white people and is harming minorities. The authors do a pretty good job persuading the audience because they make logical sense and they also cite many other sources to back their information. The research is also pretty relevant. It is a big topic that is discussed today and it affects many people.
Ethos: Their research is pretty credible, it is peer reviewed and it is published in a nice journal. They also cite other sources and not just their own to prove their point.
Pathos: Their is not much use of emotion involved
Logos: It is a very logical argument that they make. It makes sense that minorities will do well at nice schools that are challenging but that are also very helpful.
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Enlisting in the army will bring peace back to our country, bring liberty.
Because enlisting in the army will help us to save our liberty that is being threatened by the enemy.
This poster is targeting men to enlist in the army. It pinpoints the destructive looking enemy that is threatening lady liberty (our liberty). It is showing the need and the urgency to join the army to protect our liberty. The stressed and worried look of lady liberty shows the urgency for the men to join.
Ethos: The source is a very credible one. It comes from the U.S. Army, which has a very long history and experience.
Pathos: This poster relies on emotion the more than anything else. It gives the men the sense of urgency to join because our freedom is being threatened by a foreign enemy. The ape is given the traditional German helm and a club labeled kulture. It makes the Germans seem mean and ferocious.
Logos: This poster does have logic to it. It would be very logical to join the army to protect our liberty that is being threatened.
The poster has sufficient evidence and does an effective job persuading the intended audience. It is also pretty typical; you see a lot of propaganda just like this during war time.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
While the saints are in Iowa a man from the army comes to their camp next to the Missouri river. He is there to find recruits for the army against Mexico. The saints are hesitant at first because of all of the neglect and trouble the government has caused them. Brigham says this is the only way that we can get some of the funds we need to make it across to the west. 400 saints join after listening to Brigham Young, for joining they received supplies and money. Most of the men gave the money to their families for the travel they will have to the west. They head off leaving their families. Brigham did promise them that there will be fighting on there left and on their right but they will not fight during their journey. Although they did not fight during their journey to the west they had some very hard times during their trek. The Mormon battalion makes it to San Diego and some find work and help build a town. Some of the saints move northward to San Francisco where the saints from Brooklyn landed from the boat that they traveled from Brooklyn. Most of the men went back to try and find Brigham and their families that they left behind hoping they would find them on the way. As they travel they meet up with some of the saints that left from Mississippi in Pueblo Colorado, who are also trying to meet up with Brigham on the trail that he is on to the west to Utah. Some of the saints move up to Ft. Laramie Wyoming to wait for Brigham and the saints to come through. They eventually see Brigham and the saints he is with; they were set back because of the hard journey. Some of the saints leave Ft. Laramie and go back to Pueblo Colorado to tell the saints in Pueblo that Brigham has arrived and to meet up with him on the trail to Utah. Sam Brannan who was in the Battalion in San Francisco went west to also find Brigham to try and convince him to have the saints’ move to California. Brigham says "no" and tells Sam to go back and tell the saints in San Francisco and gather the saints there to come up the following year, not this year. They did not have enough supplies for everyone to come there right away.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
As I reflect back on my home growing up I remember how it was very comfortable to come back to. It was a place where I was accepted and could always go there if I was ever in need. I always had my needs meet and was never lacking of any needs. It was a very clean environment to be in which helped to bring the spirit into the home. I really enjoyed the all the pictures we had up of our family and past relatives. They help us to remember the past and who they were. I was able to learn a lot from both of my parents. They were really outgoing in helping us to achieve our goals. They were very supportive of developing our talents. If we wanted to try something then they would let us do it. They would not push us too hard to do something, but they wanted us to be involved in some extracurricular activities. They were very supportive of my decision to swim and really fostered that talent by giving me opportunities for putting me on good teams and providing many private lessons. They wanted us to excel at what ever we did. They also wanted us to do well in school, and they gave us standards to follow.
2nd paragraph revised
As I reflect back on my home growing up I remember it being a very warm and comforting place to be in. Feeling loved and accepted I could always go home to receive guidance and direction in my life. I always had my needs meet in every way possible. Having a home with such a clean and wholesome environment allowed the spirit to dwell within it. What really made my home enjoyable were all of the pictures we had up of our family and past relatives which helped us to remember the past and where we came from. Both of my parents loved and taught me strong gospel principles to live by. They taught through example and precept. My parents are very supportive and they helped us achieve out goals and develope our talents. They allowed us to experiment with our talents, they wanted us to be involved extracurricular activities and develop whatever talents we had. My parents fully supported my decision to swim and they helped to develop my talent by providing me with the best teams and coaches. They wanted their children to excel in everything they did.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
My sociology paper on divorce
Divorce causes many problems in our society and is becoming ever more popular. There are several reasons for divorce today and the reasons to divorce are becoming much easier. Demographic factors such as the sex ratio and the economy have an effect on the divorce rate. Parents are affected by divorce in various ways, most couples experience more stress, lower levels of income, worse health, and do not live as long as married couples. The divorce of parents also affects children in various ways depending upon such factors as the age of the child at the time of divorce, and how the child viewed the home before he or she learned the possibility of a divorce.
The tone in this paragraph is formal and the audience is probably more of a professional audience. The tone remains pretty constant throughout this paragraph.
My style in this paragraph is the format my sociology teacher gave to me, which was to follow certain guidelines and procedures. The intended audience was to be written for an academic audience.
My stance is pretty forward in this introduction. The reader pretty much knows what the rest of my paper will be on.
The First Presidency message in the February Ensign 2008.
President Iring's stance in his first paragraph is at first straight forward. He starts out with a story or an example from the scriptures to grad our attention. Once he has our interest he begins to speak more of his purpose in the message he his giving.
President Iring's tone in his message seems to be informal but is still written a formal professional way. It seems informal because he writes and speaks to us like he is our friend and his audience contains members of the church who are seeking guidance. It is written in a formal way because it is still professional, organized, and has his sources cited. His tone is the same throughout the whole article.
President Iring's style in his article seems to show love and care. He writes for us in our day. He knows of the challenges we face. His style also seems to be also serious and powerfull as well. Every time he speaks it is full of feeling.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Argument: Well right when I walked in, there were some attractive looking girls waiting speak to you. As soon as we said anything about a membership they quickly took down our names and set us up with someone that could help us. The person who helped us immediately took us around the gym asking us questions about our lives and what our interests were in joining a gym. It was a girl who took us around and she was being overly friendly kind of trying to flirt with us.
WATCO going to this gym on your body and health
Going to this gym will increase your strength and help you to look better and feel better
Because this gym provides more for you than any other gym it has a basketball court, lap pool, sauna, aerobic classes, new equipment that is state of the art, and all certified trainers that are ready to help at any time.
Audience: The audience was my brother and I and they did a really good job targeting us by having an attractive looking girl help us around and show us everything. They did a very good job trying to persuade us by slowly leading us in and trapping us in there and already getting us involved and acting like we were already going to join. They were very accurate with the things they said, they knew and understood the equipment that they had and how it was all used. They sounded very confident about their gym.
Ethos: She did sound pretty credible, it seemed that she really knew the gym well she was up on what everything did and what it will do for you. She knew a lot about fitness and she had a lot of personal experience with personal training.
Pathos: I am not sure what emotion she tried to use except for trying to make us feel bad if we decided not to get a membership at the time. It worked too I felt bad not buying a membership after all that sweet girl went through to show us around.
Logos: She did make it sound logical that this was the place for us because it had the things we liked. It had a pool and basketball court, things that my brother and I like to do. She knew our interests and played off those interests.
Effectiveness: It was very effective. They slowly lead you in and then before you know it you are already signing the papers about to join. They try to get you excited about the place by showing you all their neat stuff and playing on your interests. They ask about your personal life about why you are interested in working out and say that they will set you up with a trainer for free the first couple of times that will go over goals with you and show you what you need to do to accomplish them. They cover it all.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
It can be easy for some to miss out on the full meaning of this story. Many would not think that it was Isaac too that had to have much faith for this to happen. The sacrifice of Isaac fully represents Christ, and is in similitude of the father giving up the son. Isaac was old enough to understand this, it is assumed that Isaac could have been the same age as Christ when this happened. Isaac was also going to be sacrificed on the same mountain that Christ was crucified on, on Mt. Moriah. Isaac asks where is the lamb for the sacrifice, knowing that there needed to be an animal for a sacrifice. Well, Christ is the lamb of God. Another similarity is that Isaac Just as Christ, right before the sacrifice happened, talked about the sacrifice with their father knowing full well what was going to happen. Christ carried the cross on his back and Isaac carried the wood that he was going to be sacrificed on, on his back as well. Isaac is referred to as the only son and Christ is referred to as the only begotten son. It took much faith not only on Abrahams part but also for Isaac and his mohter to be able to go through with this. They were all very obedient to Gods commandments.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The people of Illinois have had it with the saints, they will not even live with them anymore they just want the Mormons gone. The Mormons try to work something out with the people of Illinois but they say that the only way to establish peace is by having them leave. Brigham Young agrees with them, he does not really have a choice. Brigham says that they will leave at the first sign of next spring. The saints start to devote all of their time building the temple now that they have to leave so soon. They needed to finish the temple to get the most saints as possible through to get their endowments. They start the endowments Dec. 10, 1845 even though the temple is not finished and they do them only until early Feb. They were able to get 5,615 endowments done at this time. The temple is finished by the end of April, but by the time it is dedicated most of the saints have left.
With the plans that Brigham Young makes, many problems start to arise. The original plan was to have a group go out early to Winter Quarters and plant crops then come back to Navoo and then have everyone head out to Winter Quarters when it is warm enough to go. This plan never goes through because Brigham and the 12 were being charged with counterfeiting charges, which were false. Brigham then has to go into hiding. Another problem that comes up is that there is going to be a war in Mexico and the govt. thinks that the Mormons will join them because they have been treated so badly by everyone in the US. It was also looking like there was going to be a war with Britain and the govt also thought that they might even join them as well. Financing the trek across the US is also another problem that arises. The saints are having problems making money off their land because everyone knows that they are leaving. Wilford Woodruff was so mad about the disrespect for the lack of money that was being offered for his expensive, land that he just end up walking away from his house with the front door open taking no money for it.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Divorce is becoming more popular in our society and is bringing about the demise of the traditional family unit, causing many problems in our society today. There are demographic factors such as the ratio of males to women, and economic factors, affect the divorce rate. Parents are affected by divorce in various ways; however, most couples experience more stress, lower levels of income, worse health, and do not live as long as married couples. Divorce also affects children in various ways depending upon factors, such as the age of the child at the time of divorce, and how the child viewed the home before he or she learned the possibility of a divorce. In this paper I will also discuss some of the issues surrounding the causes of divorce, and how it affects both the parents and the children.
Narrative anecdotal
Sarah is a hard-working high school student, extremely dedicated to her education, and had made plans for college. One of these plans included taking an advanced mathematics course at her local high school. Unfortunately, despite her good grades and work ethic, Sarah was denied entrance because of the score she received on her state’s standardized test, a test required to graduate from high school. Is it reasonable to evaluate Sarah’s qualifications for advancement solely on one test score? Sarah’s inability to perform well on one test hindered her scholastic progress and had detrimental social consequences. Sarah felt she was a failure and became depressed over the thought of not being able to progress to college with the rest of her friends. Even though Sarah will be given another opportunity to re-take the test, and she will likely go to college; her scholastic record is tainted, she has been stigmatized for not achieving her goals, and will probably not be admitted into one of the preferred colleges she was hoping to attend, which will affect her for a very long time.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
RA for striking a blow for a democracy in asia
-Destroying the Rule of Law education program in Cambodia will not pressure Hun Sen or the people to move in a democratic direction.
-Because not educating the people in Cambodia over Cambodian constitution, international human-rights law, family law, and property law will not lead to the support of a democratic country.
Audience: Congress, people interested in politics, everyone
Ethos: He has credibility because he is a law professor of a highly reputable law school. He seems to be very knowledgeable of the subject he is discussing.
Pathos: Jeffery appeals to the sympathy of the Cambodian people and to fear of what might happen if this problem is not fixed.
Logos: His argument, "If a democracy is ever to succeed, it only will occur when an educated populace is capable of supporting it," in my opinion is logical. When the people were being educated over their rights, the constitution and others courses, their were judges being trained, the bar was becoming an independent force, legal aid was becoming a reality, and defenders were appearing in criminal courts. They were becoming educated enough to support a democratic economic development.
I believe that Jeffery's argument was very effective. He fully explained the problem and it made logical sense of how the Rule of Law programs were helping to support a democratic nation. I believe he was very accurate in his statements and that his evidence was sufficient enough to believe what he was saying. I believe those who read the Washington Post would find this article very interesting and take it seriously.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Following the death of Joseph Smith there was much confusion of who would be the next prophet. It was thought that it would be Oliver Cowdery who would replace Joseph because Joseph named him 2nd Elder of the church. Joseph did this a while back so that if he dies the 2nd Elder would take his place. The only problem was that Oliver apostatized from the Church. So Joseph then calls his brother, Hyrum, to be what is called the Assistant to the President. There was no more 2nd Elder after Oliver leaves the church. So Hyrum was the one now who was to take over if Joseph Smith dies, but Hyrum died and Joseph died together in Carthage Jail.
Brigham Young was confused about this and didn't know what he would do, he thought the keys that the prophet died with Joseph and Hyrum. Then it came to his mind at the last moment that the quorum of the 12 still has the keys. In my mind if Brigham the President of the quorum of the 12 was confused, think about how hard and confusing it was for everyone else. There were also other apostates claiming to be the new prophet like Sidney Rigdon, who said that an angle appeared to him and said to him that he was to be the successor of Joseph Smith. A lot of people believed him.
On August 8 there was a meeting where Brigham Young spoke, it was the meting where Brigham Young was transfigured into what looked to be like Joseph Smith. He also spoke like Joseph as well. Different accounts say that they thought they heard Joseph speaking and they thought he was standing up on the podium as well. He took upon himself the countenance of Joseph and the people listened to him. Brigham said that for now it was to be the quorum of the 12 who will direct the church for the time being. It remained like this all through the time that the people spent while in Navoo.
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008
-Audience: School administration
-playing sports during school increases academic success.
-Playing sports in school increases academic success because it provides structure and develops good attributes such as confidence.
-Structure and Confidence leads to academic success.
-WATCO not having rehabilitation centers for criminals on crime rate the US.
-Audience: Church groups, police
-Not having rehabilitation centers increases crime rate in the US.
-Not having rehabilitation centers in the US increases crime rates because criminals will not learn how to change their behavior in prison.
-Prisoners who do not learn how to change their behavior by going to prison will continue to commit crime and the crime rates will increase.
-WATCO gay marriages on the structure of the family
-Audience: Gay marriage groups
-Gay marriages destroy the structure of the family
-Gay marriages destroy the structure of the family because because it takes out a key role or either the mother or the father which children need for nourishment.
-Without the role of both the father and the mother the family is destroyed and children are not fully nourished.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The recruit
Pathos: Al Pachino appealed to emotion by speaking of the man's dad. Al Pachino knew where he grew up and knew all about his dad and how he died.
Logos: Al Pachino used logic when he suggested what kind of life he could be having instead of the one the beer man was living now. It is logical to accept Al Pachino's offer.