Thursday, January 24, 2008


Funnel Intro: Society, Parents, Children

Divorce is becoming more popular in our society and is bringing about the demise of the traditional family unit, causing many problems in our society today. There are demographic factors such as the ratio of males to women, and economic factors, affect the divorce rate. Parents are affected by divorce in various ways; however, most couples experience more stress, lower levels of income, worse health, and do not live as long as married couples. Divorce also affects children in various ways depending upon factors, such as the age of the child at the time of divorce, and how the child viewed the home before he or she learned the possibility of a divorce. In this paper I will also discuss some of the issues surrounding the causes of divorce, and how it affects both the parents and the children.

Narrative anecdotal

Sarah is a hard-working high school student, extremely dedicated to her education, and had made plans for college. One of these plans included taking an advanced mathematics course at her local high school. Unfortunately, despite her good grades and work ethic, Sarah was denied entrance because of the score she received on her state’s standardized test, a test required to graduate from high school. Is it reasonable to evaluate Sarah’s qualifications for advancement solely on one test score? Sarah’s inability to perform well on one test hindered her scholastic progress and had detrimental social consequences. Sarah felt she was a failure and became depressed over the thought of not being able to progress to college with the rest of her friends. Even though Sarah will be given another opportunity to re-take the test, and she will likely go to college; her scholastic record is tainted, she has been stigmatized for not achieving her goals, and will probably not be admitted into one of the preferred colleges she was hoping to attend, which will affect her for a very long time.

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