Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Compromise of 1850

Right before this time Utah was trying to become a state and were denied during this compromise. They were known now as the territory of Utah. It was no longer called the State of Desert anymore. The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to become a state, which the government had to because it was growing so much because of the gold rush. With Utah only as a territory they did not have as much power in congress and were not allowed vote in congress either. They were only allowed to express their opinions if allowed to. President Fillmore fearing the Senate would not approve a all Mormon state he sent in some non Mormons to fill some federally appointed slots. Shortly after the non Mormon "Gentile" officials arrived, conflict began almost immediately. They were mad because Brigham Young started to take matters into his own hands as he was waiting for the officials to come out. It was almost a year before they made their way out to Utah. Brigham was not wrong in his decision to get things running and most people sided with Brigham even the President. After the officials were there for a period of only 3 months they took off. The saints called them the runaway officials. The President then tires to send someone to replace Brigham, but has a hard time finding someone because no one wanted to go out where the "crazy Mormons" were. He finally got a army general to go out, his name was Franklin Pierce. He quietly went out to Utah and spent time listening to the people there about how things were going with Brigham Young. He finds out that the people love him and everything is fine in Utah and he writes a letter back to the President saying that Brigham is doing a great job and I am not going to try and replace him. Brigham is then appointed again to be governor of Utah for another four years. But little did the saints know that it would be another 46 years after the compromise of 1805 before Utah would become a state.

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