Saturday, January 19, 2008


The Succession Crisis

Following the death of Joseph Smith there was much confusion of who would be the next prophet. It was thought that it would be Oliver Cowdery who would replace Joseph because Joseph named him 2nd Elder of the church. Joseph did this a while back so that if he dies the 2nd Elder would take his place. The only problem was that Oliver apostatized from the Church. So Joseph then calls his brother, Hyrum, to be what is called the Assistant to the President. There was no more 2nd Elder after Oliver leaves the church. So Hyrum was the one now who was to take over if Joseph Smith dies, but Hyrum died and Joseph died together in Carthage Jail.
Brigham Young was confused about this and didn't know what he would do, he thought the keys that the prophet died with Joseph and Hyrum. Then it came to his mind at the last moment that the quorum of the 12 still has the keys. In my mind if Brigham the President of the quorum of the 12 was confused, think about how hard and confusing it was for everyone else. There were also other apostates claiming to be the new prophet like Sidney Rigdon, who said that an angle appeared to him and said to him that he was to be the successor of Joseph Smith. A lot of people believed him.
On August 8 there was a meeting where Brigham Young spoke, it was the meting where Brigham Young was transfigured into what looked to be like Joseph Smith. He also spoke like Joseph as well. Different accounts say that they thought they heard Joseph speaking and they thought he was standing up on the podium as well. He took upon himself the countenance of Joseph and the people listened to him. Brigham said that for now it was to be the quorum of the 12 who will direct the church for the time being. It remained like this all through the time that the people spent while in Navoo.

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