Saturday, February 2, 2008


Tone, stance, and Style

My sociology paper on divorce

Divorce causes many problems in our society and is becoming ever more popular. There are several reasons for divorce today and the reasons to divorce are becoming much easier. Demographic factors such as the sex ratio and the economy have an effect on the divorce rate. Parents are affected by divorce in various ways, most couples experience more stress, lower levels of income, worse health, and do not live as long as married couples. The divorce of parents also affects children in various ways depending upon such factors as the age of the child at the time of divorce, and how the child viewed the home before he or she learned the possibility of a divorce.

The tone in this paragraph is formal and the audience is probably more of a professional audience. The tone remains pretty constant throughout this paragraph.

My style in this paragraph is the format my sociology teacher gave to me, which was to follow certain guidelines and procedures. The intended audience was to be written for an academic audience.

My stance is pretty forward in this introduction. The reader pretty much knows what the rest of my paper will be on.

The First Presidency message in the February Ensign 2008.

President Iring's stance in his first paragraph is at first straight forward. He starts out with a story or an example from the scriptures to grad our attention. Once he has our interest he begins to speak more of his purpose in the message he his giving.

President Iring's tone in his message seems to be informal but is still written a formal professional way. It seems informal because he writes and speaks to us like he is our friend and his audience contains members of the church who are seeking guidance. It is written in a formal way because it is still professional, organized, and has his sources cited. His tone is the same throughout the whole article.

President Iring's style in his article seems to show love and care. He writes for us in our day. He knows of the challenges we face. His style also seems to be also serious and powerfull as well. Every time he speaks it is full of feeling.

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