Tuesday, February 5, 2008


1st paragraph

As I reflect back on my home growing up I remember how it was very comfortable to come back to. It was a place where I was accepted and could always go there if I was ever in need. I always had my needs meet and was never lacking of any needs. It was a very clean environment to be in which helped to bring the spirit into the home. I really enjoyed the all the pictures we had up of our family and past relatives. They help us to remember the past and who they were. I was able to learn a lot from both of my parents. They were really outgoing in helping us to achieve our goals. They were very supportive of developing our talents. If we wanted to try something then they would let us do it. They would not push us too hard to do something, but they wanted us to be involved in some extracurricular activities. They were very supportive of my decision to swim and really fostered that talent by giving me opportunities for putting me on good teams and providing many private lessons. They wanted us to excel at what ever we did. They also wanted us to do well in school, and they gave us standards to follow.

2nd paragraph revised
As I reflect back on my home growing up I remember it being a very warm and comforting place to be in. Feeling loved and accepted I could always go home to receive guidance and direction in my life. I always had my needs meet in every way possible. Having a home with such a clean and wholesome environment allowed the spirit to dwell within it. What really made my home enjoyable were all of the pictures we had up of our family and past relatives which helped us to remember the past and where we came from. Both of my parents loved and taught me strong gospel principles to live by. They taught through example and precept. My parents are very supportive and they helped us achieve out goals and develope our talents. They allowed us to experiment with our talents, they wanted us to be involved extracurricular activities and develop whatever talents we had. My parents fully supported my decision to swim and they helped to develop my talent by providing me with the best teams and coaches. They wanted their children to excel in everything they did.

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