Tuesday, January 29, 2008


the sacrifice of Isaac- A Similitude

It can be easy for some to miss out on the full meaning of this story. Many would not think that it was Isaac too that had to have much faith for this to happen. The sacrifice of Isaac fully represents Christ, and is in similitude of the father giving up the son. Isaac was old enough to understand this, it is assumed that Isaac could have been the same age as Christ when this happened. Isaac was also going to be sacrificed on the same mountain that Christ was crucified on, on Mt. Moriah. Isaac asks where is the lamb for the sacrifice, knowing that there needed to be an animal for a sacrifice. Well, Christ is the lamb of God. Another similarity is that Isaac Just as Christ, right before the sacrifice happened, talked about the sacrifice with their father knowing full well what was going to happen. Christ carried the cross on his back and Isaac carried the wood that he was going to be sacrificed on, on his back as well. Isaac is referred to as the only son and Christ is referred to as the only begotten son. It took much faith not only on Abrahams part but also for Isaac and his mohter to be able to go through with this. They were all very obedient to Gods commandments.

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