Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RA for striking a blow for a democracy in asia

-WATCO destroying the Rule of Law in Cambodia on the government in Cambodia
-Destroying the Rule of Law education program in Cambodia will not pressure Hun Sen or the people to move in a democratic direction.
-Because not educating the people in Cambodia over Cambodian constitution, international human-rights law, family law, and property law will not lead to the support of a democratic country.

Audience: Congress, people interested in politics, everyone

Ethos: He has credibility because he is a law professor of a highly reputable law school. He seems to be very knowledgeable of the subject he is discussing.

Pathos: Jeffery appeals to the sympathy of the Cambodian people and to fear of what might happen if this problem is not fixed.

Logos: His argument, "If a democracy is ever to succeed, it only will occur when an educated populace is capable of supporting it," in my opinion is logical. When the people were being educated over their rights, the constitution and others courses, their were judges being trained, the bar was becoming an independent force, legal aid was becoming a reality, and defenders were appearing in criminal courts. They were becoming educated enough to support a democratic economic development.

I believe that Jeffery's argument was very effective. He fully explained the problem and it made logical sense of how the Rule of Law programs were helping to support a democratic nation. I believe he was very accurate in his statements and that his evidence was sufficient enough to believe what he was saying. I believe those who read the Washington Post would find this article very interesting and take it seriously.

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