Thursday, January 31, 2008


I decided to go to 24 hour fitness with my brother for this assignment
Argument: Well right when I walked in, there were some attractive looking girls waiting speak to you. As soon as we said anything about a membership they quickly took down our names and set us up with someone that could help us. The person who helped us immediately took us around the gym asking us questions about our lives and what our interests were in joining a gym. It was a girl who took us around and she was being overly friendly kind of trying to flirt with us.

WATCO going to this gym on your body and health
Going to this gym will increase your strength and help you to look better and feel better
Because this gym provides more for you than any other gym it has a basketball court, lap pool, sauna, aerobic classes, new equipment that is state of the art, and all certified trainers that are ready to help at any time.

Audience: The audience was my brother and I and they did a really good job targeting us by having an attractive looking girl help us around and show us everything. They did a very good job trying to persuade us by slowly leading us in and trapping us in there and already getting us involved and acting like we were already going to join. They were very accurate with the things they said, they knew and understood the equipment that they had and how it was all used. They sounded very confident about their gym.

Ethos: She did sound pretty credible, it seemed that she really knew the gym well she was up on what everything did and what it will do for you. She knew a lot about fitness and she had a lot of personal experience with personal training.

Pathos: I am not sure what emotion she tried to use except for trying to make us feel bad if we decided not to get a membership at the time. It worked too I felt bad not buying a membership after all that sweet girl went through to show us around.

Logos: She did make it sound logical that this was the place for us because it had the things we liked. It had a pool and basketball court, things that my brother and I like to do. She knew our interests and played off those interests.

Effectiveness: It was very effective. They slowly lead you in and then before you know it you are already signing the papers about to join. They try to get you excited about the place by showing you all their neat stuff and playing on your interests. They ask about your personal life about why you are interested in working out and say that they will set you up with a trainer for free the first couple of times that will go over goals with you and show you what you need to do to accomplish them. They cover it all.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


the sacrifice of Isaac- A Similitude

It can be easy for some to miss out on the full meaning of this story. Many would not think that it was Isaac too that had to have much faith for this to happen. The sacrifice of Isaac fully represents Christ, and is in similitude of the father giving up the son. Isaac was old enough to understand this, it is assumed that Isaac could have been the same age as Christ when this happened. Isaac was also going to be sacrificed on the same mountain that Christ was crucified on, on Mt. Moriah. Isaac asks where is the lamb for the sacrifice, knowing that there needed to be an animal for a sacrifice. Well, Christ is the lamb of God. Another similarity is that Isaac Just as Christ, right before the sacrifice happened, talked about the sacrifice with their father knowing full well what was going to happen. Christ carried the cross on his back and Isaac carried the wood that he was going to be sacrificed on, on his back as well. Isaac is referred to as the only son and Christ is referred to as the only begotten son. It took much faith not only on Abrahams part but also for Isaac and his mohter to be able to go through with this. They were all very obedient to Gods commandments.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Saints prepare to leave Navoo

The people of Illinois have had it with the saints, they will not even live with them anymore they just want the Mormons gone. The Mormons try to work something out with the people of Illinois but they say that the only way to establish peace is by having them leave. Brigham Young agrees with them, he does not really have a choice. Brigham says that they will leave at the first sign of next spring. The saints start to devote all of their time building the temple now that they have to leave so soon. They needed to finish the temple to get the most saints as possible through to get their endowments. They start the endowments Dec. 10, 1845 even though the temple is not finished and they do them only until early Feb. They were able to get 5,615 endowments done at this time. The temple is finished by the end of April, but by the time it is dedicated most of the saints have left.
With the plans that Brigham Young makes, many problems start to arise. The original plan was to have a group go out early to Winter Quarters and plant crops then come back to Navoo and then have everyone head out to Winter Quarters when it is warm enough to go. This plan never goes through because Brigham and the 12 were being charged with counterfeiting charges, which were false. Brigham then has to go into hiding. Another problem that comes up is that there is going to be a war in Mexico and the govt. thinks that the Mormons will join them because they have been treated so badly by everyone in the US. It was also looking like there was going to be a war with Britain and the govt also thought that they might even join them as well. Financing the trek across the US is also another problem that arises. The saints are having problems making money off their land because everyone knows that they are leaving. Wilford Woodruff was so mad about the disrespect for the lack of money that was being offered for his expensive, land that he just end up walking away from his house with the front door open taking no money for it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Funnel Intro: Society, Parents, Children

Divorce is becoming more popular in our society and is bringing about the demise of the traditional family unit, causing many problems in our society today. There are demographic factors such as the ratio of males to women, and economic factors, affect the divorce rate. Parents are affected by divorce in various ways; however, most couples experience more stress, lower levels of income, worse health, and do not live as long as married couples. Divorce also affects children in various ways depending upon factors, such as the age of the child at the time of divorce, and how the child viewed the home before he or she learned the possibility of a divorce. In this paper I will also discuss some of the issues surrounding the causes of divorce, and how it affects both the parents and the children.

Narrative anecdotal

Sarah is a hard-working high school student, extremely dedicated to her education, and had made plans for college. One of these plans included taking an advanced mathematics course at her local high school. Unfortunately, despite her good grades and work ethic, Sarah was denied entrance because of the score she received on her state’s standardized test, a test required to graduate from high school. Is it reasonable to evaluate Sarah’s qualifications for advancement solely on one test score? Sarah’s inability to perform well on one test hindered her scholastic progress and had detrimental social consequences. Sarah felt she was a failure and became depressed over the thought of not being able to progress to college with the rest of her friends. Even though Sarah will be given another opportunity to re-take the test, and she will likely go to college; her scholastic record is tainted, she has been stigmatized for not achieving her goals, and will probably not be admitted into one of the preferred colleges she was hoping to attend, which will affect her for a very long time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RA for striking a blow for a democracy in asia

-WATCO destroying the Rule of Law in Cambodia on the government in Cambodia
-Destroying the Rule of Law education program in Cambodia will not pressure Hun Sen or the people to move in a democratic direction.
-Because not educating the people in Cambodia over Cambodian constitution, international human-rights law, family law, and property law will not lead to the support of a democratic country.

Audience: Congress, people interested in politics, everyone

Ethos: He has credibility because he is a law professor of a highly reputable law school. He seems to be very knowledgeable of the subject he is discussing.

Pathos: Jeffery appeals to the sympathy of the Cambodian people and to fear of what might happen if this problem is not fixed.

Logos: His argument, "If a democracy is ever to succeed, it only will occur when an educated populace is capable of supporting it," in my opinion is logical. When the people were being educated over their rights, the constitution and others courses, their were judges being trained, the bar was becoming an independent force, legal aid was becoming a reality, and defenders were appearing in criminal courts. They were becoming educated enough to support a democratic economic development.

I believe that Jeffery's argument was very effective. He fully explained the problem and it made logical sense of how the Rule of Law programs were helping to support a democratic nation. I believe he was very accurate in his statements and that his evidence was sufficient enough to believe what he was saying. I believe those who read the Washington Post would find this article very interesting and take it seriously.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


The Succession Crisis

Following the death of Joseph Smith there was much confusion of who would be the next prophet. It was thought that it would be Oliver Cowdery who would replace Joseph because Joseph named him 2nd Elder of the church. Joseph did this a while back so that if he dies the 2nd Elder would take his place. The only problem was that Oliver apostatized from the Church. So Joseph then calls his brother, Hyrum, to be what is called the Assistant to the President. There was no more 2nd Elder after Oliver leaves the church. So Hyrum was the one now who was to take over if Joseph Smith dies, but Hyrum died and Joseph died together in Carthage Jail.
Brigham Young was confused about this and didn't know what he would do, he thought the keys that the prophet died with Joseph and Hyrum. Then it came to his mind at the last moment that the quorum of the 12 still has the keys. In my mind if Brigham the President of the quorum of the 12 was confused, think about how hard and confusing it was for everyone else. There were also other apostates claiming to be the new prophet like Sidney Rigdon, who said that an angle appeared to him and said to him that he was to be the successor of Joseph Smith. A lot of people believed him.
On August 8 there was a meeting where Brigham Young spoke, it was the meting where Brigham Young was transfigured into what looked to be like Joseph Smith. He also spoke like Joseph as well. Different accounts say that they thought they heard Joseph speaking and they thought he was standing up on the podium as well. He took upon himself the countenance of Joseph and the people listened to him. Brigham said that for now it was to be the quorum of the 12 who will direct the church for the time being. It remained like this all through the time that the people spent while in Navoo.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


This rhetorical analysis is on the Mac Vs. PC commercial.
1. Argument: The argument is that a PC has a lot of problems switching over to the new vista. The commercial makes look like buying a PC will give you a lot of problems. This argument seems real subtle, simple and logical.
WATCO buying a PC over a mac on the problems it will have
Buying a PC over a Mac will create more problems
Because downloading the new Vista can create problems for PC computers.
2. Audience: The audience seems to cover a wide range of people because everyone needs a computer these days. I would probably say they target middle class families and up and also college students. College students may be there biggest audience.
3. Ethos: Mac does do their research because the new Windows Vista does has had a lot of problems. Mac is also a credible source to rely on. It is well known that they make very good computers.
Pathos: This commercial appeals to laughter for the emotion they use. They make light of the fact that PCs have a lot of problems in a comical way.
Logos: It is logical after watching this commercial and the many others that Mac has to buy a Mac because it has less problems and runs better than a PC. It would be logical for me to buy a Mac considering all the problems that PCs have.
The argument is sufficient. The commercial does a good job persuading us that PCs have a lot of problems and the evidence they use is correct and well known.
The argument is typical because they found good evidence that most sources/experts would agree with. They are not making bogus statements about the PC. It is a very believable argument.
The argument is also accurate because we know that the commercial is not telling lies. Everyone knows that the new Windows Vista has problems. It is very clear and concise.
I believe that the argument is relevant to the audience as well. The audience does care because computers are a very important item to have. Most college students need a new computer and are looking for one.
4. I believe that the commercial does a good job at targeting its audience, because it is almost everyone, but I believe that a big part of the audience is college students. The commercials seem to appear on teenager shows.

Monday, January 14, 2008


-WATCO playing sports in school on academic success?
-Audience: School administration
-playing sports during school increases academic success.
-Playing sports in school increases academic success because it provides structure and develops good attributes such as confidence.
-Structure and Confidence leads to academic success.

-WATCO not having rehabilitation centers for criminals on crime rate the US.
-Audience: Church groups, police
-Not having rehabilitation centers increases crime rate in the US.
-Not having rehabilitation centers in the US increases crime rates because criminals will not learn how to change their behavior in prison.
-Prisoners who do not learn how to change their behavior by going to prison will continue to commit crime and the crime rates will increase.

-WATCO gay marriages on the structure of the family
-Audience: Gay marriage groups
-Gay marriages destroy the structure of the family
-Gay marriages destroy the structure of the family because because it takes out a key role or either the mother or the father which children need for nourishment.
-Without the role of both the father and the mother the family is destroyed and children are not fully nourished.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The recruit

Etohs: Al Pachino's audience was the beer man at the bar. He provided credibility by researching his audience. The CIA is also a credible source as well.

Pathos: Al Pachino appealed to emotion by speaking of the man's dad. Al Pachino knew where he grew up and knew all about his dad and how he died.

Logos: Al Pachino used logic when he suggested what kind of life he could be having instead of the one the beer man was living now. It is logical to accept Al Pachino's offer.