Saturday, March 8, 2008


-WATCO violence in the media on children in our society
-Violence in the media increases the violence in our society
-Because when children see fighting and killing on television as a way to solve problems, they start to imitate those same actions.
-Whatever causes children to imitate what they see on television increases violence in our society.

Audience: Mormon parents with children
About the Audience:
-Cares about what their children are watching on television and how it may be affecting them
-Have high moral standards
-Understand the importance of doing good to others
Understands that there are negative influences in the world.

Pros of media violence:
The fighting on television does not promote violence in children
The fighting that is shown is a way to show us what the world is really like. For example: War movies and different types of documentaries on the different Holocausts and certain people.

Cons of media violence:
Promotes bad behavior in children.
War movies and documentaries show fighting in a different ways than do shows like the Simpson’s and Family Guy. These types of shows portray violence as the way to solve problems. Violence is shown in a positive manner.

1 comment:

regubar said...

Interesting topic. You'll have to find some studies to support it. I wrote a paper about this a couple years ago and while violent video games do cause increased aggressiveness in children while playing them, the trends for actual crime rates are the opposite. As violence in video games have increased the violent crime rates have gone down.