Saturday, April 5, 2008


For my paper on the media

-WATCO the violence in the media on how it affects children’s behavior
-The violence that children see in the media causes violent and anti-social behavior
-Because children learn by example. If Children see violence on television they will want to copy those actions and will socially deviant.
-Whatever children see and learn on television affects their behavior

Audience: Parents of young children who have televisions.

About the audience:
Most families have many TV's in the home and children may be having a lot of contact with the television. Parents do not want their children to exhibit anti-social behavior. Parents may not know the effects that television has on their children. Effects of the media on children may be long term.

Argument against me:
A lot of people probably do not know or may not believe that the violence that is seen on television is affecting their children. It can be pretty difficult to prove. There have been several studies done but most of them have been performed in a lab, not a real life situation. All of the studies that have been done though have shown that violence that is seen on television affects children and even adults. Children express more violent behavior after watching a violent program than children who do not watch a violent program. (BOBO Doll experiment)

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Diet Pepsi Max super bowl commercial

-WATCO drinking Diet Pepsi Max on your day
-Drinking Diet Pepsi Max will help you to wake up and not get tired during your day
-Because the new Pepsi drink has more Caffeine and ginseng in it to help you get through your day
-Whatever a lot of Caffeine and ginseng in it will help you wake up and not get tired

Audience: This particular commercial seems to focus on those who have busy life styles and maybe get tired during the day.

Ethos: Does not really use ethos in this commercial.

Pathos: This commercial uses humor as an emotion to try and relate to people who find themselves in similar situations while they are at work or at a movie and seem to be falling asleep quite a bit.

Logos: It is logical that caffeine and ginseng will boost your energy levels and help to wake you up a little bit more.

The commercial fulfills star criteria. The subject is relevant to a wide audience and can relate to most people who find themselves falling asleep during the day. The information is accurate in that caffeine and ginseng will help wake you up.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


President Grant

Ulysses S. Grant who was a President of the United States caused many problems for the Mormons. He was anti Mormon and was a big cause of the many false things people say about us. There were actually three Presidents of the United States whom we did not do temple work for right away when they died, and President Grant was one of them. Even with all of his misconceptions about Mormons he decided to come out to Utah for a visit. This would be the first President to ever visit Utah. The saints did not know how they were going to receive him, because it was an honor to have a President of the United States to come out, but as a person he was not well liked. The saints decide to throw him a big welcome anyways even after all that he had done. When President Grant got off the train and onto a carriage he was riding with governor Emory of Utah. As they were riding into town the Mormon families sent their children out to line the streets and sing hymns to welcome him. Emory reported to the saints the Presidents impressions. The president was so impressed by these children he asked who were they and when he said they were Mormon kids President grant looked shocked and mumbled under his breath that he had been deceived about the Mormons. He had a change of heart. But although he had a change of heart he could not undo what he had already started.